On April 1, 2022, Dr. Yu-ichiro Matsushita CEO has assumed the position of Chief of the Quantum Materials Theory Project at the Quantum Materials and Applications Research Center (QUARC) in the National Institute for Quantum Science and Technology (QST). This is in line with the establishment of the Quantum Materials and Applications Research Center (Director: Dr. Takeshi Oshima) at the Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute in order for QST to strongly promote research and development of quantum functions and social implementation of quantum technology, aiming at the future society "Society5.0".
In order to support the development of society, data processing must be fast, secure, and low-power consumption in response to the ever-increasing volume of data and communications. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop new materials based on different concepts, and quantum technology is at the center of this effort.
We will collaborate with the six projects established in the center, including the Quantum Sensing Project and the Spin Photonics Project, to provide and demonstrate the technologies we have been developing. Through our contribution to the center, we will aim to strengthen industrial competitiveness and solve social issues through quantum science.
QST press release: https://www.qst.go.jp/site/press/20220401-1.html