Starting November 1st, Quloud Version 3.0 is here with three new computation engines. Together with RSDFT and OpenMX, it's now a comprehensive platform for materials research and development.
This integration simplifies access to sophisticated computational tools, empowering users to perform high-precision large-scale calculations efficiently. Quloud continues to evolve, providing a user-friendly interface for a wide range of research and development applications in materials science.
PIMD: An open source code based on Fortran 90 (f90) and Message Passing Interface (MPI) which enables one to perform molecular simulations in parallel computers. It covers a wide range from the basic methods such as the static, normal mode analysis, minimum energy path calculations and classical molecular dynamics in various ensembles, to the advanced methods such as replica exchange hybrid Monte Carlo, path integral molecular dynamics, metadynamics, and nonadiabatic dynamics simulations.
LAMMPS: a classical molecular dynamics (MD) code that models ensembles of particles in a liquid, solid, or gaseous state. It can model atomic, polymeric, biological, solid-state (metals, ceramics, oxides), granular, coarse-grained, or macroscopic systems using a variety of interatomic potentials (force fields) and boundary conditions. It can model 2d or 3d systems with sizes ranging from only a few particles up to billions.
Quantum Expresso: An open-source software specializing in electronic structure calculations and DFT, used for electronic structure analysis, solid material property predictions, molecular simulations, and surface science.
For further information about Quloud Version 3.0 : https://www.quemix.com/en/quloud