Empower the future with Quantum Power.
Quantum technology drives the future we dream of.
We firmly believe that quantum technology can make possible the realization of the prosperous, comfortable, and safe life that humanity has long dreamed of. This includes fully automated cars navigating seamlessly through city streets, logistics networks with precise and real-time operation for buses and trucks, the creation of energy without emitting CO₂, secure and ultra-fast communication networks protected from external threats, widespread adoption of household medical devices capable of detecting serious illnesses such as cancer, drug development at a speed that matches the spread of pandemics, resilient infrastructure and buildings capable of withstanding once-in-a-millennium disasters, and the realization of a sustainable, environmentally friendly society.
Toward a New Era of Quantum Computer Power
New Publication: Tensor decomposition technique for qubit encoding of maximal-fidelity Lorentzian orbitals in real-space quantum chemistry
【論文発表】Tensor decomposition technique for qubit encoding of maximal-fidelity Lorentzian orbitals in real-space quantum chemistry
Realizing the breakthroughs of leading-edge companies, driven by our technology.
One of the technologies expected to revolutionize people's lives and society for the better is quantum technology. However, implementing quantum technology into society requires advanced mathematical knowledge and expertise. As experts in quantum technology, we aim to support tech companies at the forefront of various fields such as automotive, semiconductor, electronics, chemical materials, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, transportation and logistics, construction, and finance. We support them in adapting their services, software, and applications to quantum technology, aiming to achieve breakthroughs together.
We remains at the forefront of Quantum Technology expertise.
We are currently making steady progress in developing algorithms and software to maximize the performance of quantum computers, as well as conducting research and development on quantum sensors. By harnessing quantum technology, we aim to address various challenges that were previously impossible to tackle with conventional technologies, envisioning a future empowered by quantum technology. We are committed to breaking free from conventional boundaries and exploring new possibilities offered by quantum technology, providing innovative services that have never been seen before. For our customers, we promise to continuously refine our expertise and remain at the forefront of the field, dedicated to being the leading experts in quantum technology.
We Remain Experts in Quantum Technology.
wix:image://v1/3e508e_b946c3eff5bf4f84a9232adaeca80dc1~mv2.png/Iwata.png#originWidth=441&originHeight=550岩田 潤一株式会社Quemix製品開発部 部長<p class="font_8">筑波大学にて博士(理学)を取得後、産業技術総合研究所 研究員、筑波大学 助教、東京大学 特任講師、計算科学技術系企業 センター長を経て、2021年よりQuemix入社。2011年、ゴードンベル-ピークパフォーマンス賞受賞。クラウド型材料計算プラットフォーム、<a href="https://www.quemix.com/quloud" target="_blank"><u>Quloud</u></a>の開発者。</p>