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Quloud - LAMMPS



Quloud - LAMMPS Seminar


Material simulation using classical molecular dynamics calculation software “LAMMPS”

The Quloud Seminar (5th) will be held as follows in collaboration with RIST (Research Institute for Advanced Information Science and Technology). ​This seminar will focus on classical molecular dynamics calculations using the calculation engine LAMMPS introduced in Quloud Version 3.0 released on November 1, 2023. LAMMPS is an open source classical molecular dynamics calculation software that is widely used around the world. It is pre-installed on the supercomputer "Fugaku" and can also be used on HPCI supercomputers other than "Fugaku".

The seminar will feature RIST's Kanako Yoshizawa, who will introduce the supercomputer "Fugaku".
​In addition, we will welcome Professor Takanobu Watanabe of Waseda University as a special lecturer, who will give a talk titled ``Now is the time to look back at the heyday of machine learning: Interatomic potential Strategies.''
Finally, there will be a demonstration of classical molecular dynamics calculations using LAMMPS using the cloud-based materials calculation platform "Quloud" provided by Quemix.

This seminar is a great opportunity to gain knowledge directly from experts.
​This is also a valuable opportunity for you to become more familiar with material simulation through the Quloud demo.
We welcome your questions and requests, so we would like to invite you to participate.

The progress time is an estimate and is subject to change.

Presentation of Quloud Vers. 3.0 by Junichi Iwata, Quemix


Now is the time to look back at the heyday of machine learning: Interatomic potential strategies by Professor Takanobu Watanabe, Waseda University


Materials Simulation at Fugaku and HPCI

by Kanako Yoshizawa, RIST


Opening remarks by Yu-ichiro Matsushita, Quemix



Lectures and demonstrations


Those who are interested in material simulation such as classical molecular dynamics calculations

Target  Audience:



70 people


Video conference (Zoom URL will be sent to those who apply)


Tuesday, February 27, 2024 13:00-15:10


【Speaker Profile】


Kanako Yoshizawa

Chief Researcher, Research organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST)

After receiving her Ph.D. from Sophia University, she worked as a specially-appointed assistant professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Sophia University, and as a specially-appointed researcher at the Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo before assuming her current position at the Research organization for Information Science & Technology (RIST), a registered facility for the K computer and the Fugaku supercomputer, and a representative organization for the "Operation of HPCI" project commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). She has been in her current position since 2015. She specializes in condensed matter theory. Currently, she oversees supporting the use of "Fugaku".

Professor Takanobu Watanabe

Professor, Faculty of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University

After obtaining his doctorate (engineering) from Waseda University, he served as a special researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, as well as a lecturer and associate professor at Waseda University, before becoming a professor at the same university in 2012. Specializes in semiconductor interface properties, electronic device engineering, and computational physics. He is also involved in the development of flapping flying robots, and was selected for the 2018 Innovation (Destructive Challenge) category. His recent work is “Molecular Dynamics  and Interatomic Potential” (Morikita Publishing).

岩田 潤一 製品開発

Junichi Iwata

Product Development, Quemix Inc.

After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Tsukuba, he worked as a researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), an assistant professor at the University of Tsukuba, a specially appointed lecturer at the University of Tokyo, and the director of a center for computational science and technology company before joining Quemix in 2021. 2011 Gordon Bell Peak Performance Award. Responsible for development in Quemix.

Yu-ichiro Matsushita

CEO and Representative Director, Quemix Inc.

After receiving his PhD in engineering from the University of Tokyo, Matsushita worked as a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut (Germany), an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, a specially appointed lecturer at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and is currently a specially-appointed associate professor at the Tokyo Tech Academy for Convergence of Materials and Informatics of the aforesaid university.

【This seminar has ended. Thank you for your participation.】

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