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Quantum computer members-only project (circular lecture service)

We are currently planning a variety of member-only events for our member companies who have subscribed to the Quantum Computing Report Service. This time, we would like to announce the first of them.

If you are a member company that has subscribed to the quantum computing report service for the second and third fiscal years (two years in a row), one of you will be able to participate in a round-table lecture on introduction to quantum computing, which will be given as part of the training for new employees at Quemix starting next April. (If more than one person wishes to attend, the fee will be 96,000 yen per additional person.

The objective of this training course for new employees is to help new employees who do not know anything about quantum computers master the basics of quantum computers (gate systems). It is an interactive course where everyone can discuss and understand what is difficult to understand through mere classroom lectures. We are planning to start the class in April 2021 and meet once a week for about 1-2 months. The course will provide the prerequisite knowledge necessary for the development of quantum algorithms from scratch. The lectures will start with "What is a quantum computer? The course will start with "What is a quantum computer?", how to read a quantum circuit, how to understand famous quantum algorithms, and then pick up some of the recent quantum algorithms that are attracting attention. We will also distribute a textbook full of our know-how. Please come and join us.

The annual membership fee is 96,000 yen.

If you have any questions about this service or would like to sign up for it, please feel free to contact Quemix Corporation <>.



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