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Quantum computing startup Quemix and Microwave Chemical announce a joint research project utilizing simulation software for magnetic materials to accelerate DX within the field of material science.

February 20, 2024

TerraSky Co., Ltd.

Quemix Inc.

Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd.

Quantum computing startup Quemix and Microwave Chemical announce a joint research project utilizing simulation software for magnetic materials to accelerate digital transformation (DX) within the field of material science.

- Accelerating metal smelting business, including iron production,through microwave technology -

Quemix Inc.(hereinafter referred to as "Quemix"), a subsidiary of TerraSky Corporation, and Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "MWCC") are initiating a joint research project utilizing Quemix’s magnetic material※1 simulation software, Quloud-Mag※2, for the design of chemical reactors for microwave heating. The goal is to expedite MWCC’s business by improving the accuracy of predicting the microwave absorption properties※3 of magnetic materials, a critical factor in metal smelting processes. We envisioned Quloud-Mag as a pivotal tool for simulation-centered materials development, ultimately decreasing both man-hours and costs.

Conceptual diagram of the joint research

MWCC has established and implemented microwave processes mainly in the field of chemistry. In recent years, MWCC has broadened the utilization of microwave processes by introducing "Green Mining-MX", a microwave technology platform※4 specifically tailored for metal smelting. MWCC is currently expanding the application of Green Mining-MX to include the extraction of valuable substances from ores and steelmaking, which have a great impact on carbon neutrality. In these fields, the prediction of the microwave absorption capacity of magnetic materials is the core of the technology platform.


In this joint research, Quloud-Mag, a simulation software capable of predicting the properties and magnetic behavior of magnetic materials, will be combined with MWCC 's microwave absorption measurement technique to reduce experimental man-hours, improve the prediction accuracy of microwave absorption capacity, and expand the prediction range.


In the future, MWCC and Quemix intend to validate the usefulness of Quloud-Mag as a simulation tool and subsequently put it to practical use.



■Comments from Dr. Yuichiro Matsushita, President and CEO of Quemix, Inc.

Quemix is a startup company made up of researchers with expertise in materials simulation. Our mission is to enhance materials development capabilities by leveraging quantum computers to accelerate materials simulation. In this joint research, our contribution is to provide the capability to replace the costly experimental process with simulation approaches.

This joint research will start with a system operating on a classical computer, with future plans to transition to a quantum computer as the computational engine, aiming to achieve even higher speeds.


■Comments from Dr. Yasunori Tsukahara, Director and CSO, MWCC

MWCC acknowledges that improving the development efficiency of the microwave heating equipment is an important issue during the company’s growth phase. Therefore, we are actively engaging in collaborative projects with companies to expedite MWCC’s growth and expand our business.

In this joint research, we aim to shorten the development time by combining simulation and experimental approaches. To accomplish this goal, we selected Quemix as our partner for their expertise in material simulation and their Quloud-Mag software, which is the world's only magnetic materials simulation software.



1 Magnetic materials

A type of material with electromagnetic properties that exhibits a magnetic response to an external magnetic field.

2 Quloud-Mag

Quloud-Mag is a magnetic materials simulation SaaS provided by Quloud, a cloud-based comprehensive materials calculation platform, that enables multi-scale simulations by seamlessly combining first-principles calculations with micromagnetic simulations without experimental data. Quloud-Mag is equipped with data assimilation technology to improve simulation accuracy by combining experimental data and simulation.

3 Microwave absorption capacity

Material’s ability to absorb energy from microwaves.

4 Microwave technology platform

A suite of microwave process technologies designed to provide optimal solutions for a variety of chemical and energy industries.



< Quemix Inc. >

We develop algorithms and software to maximize the performance of quantum computers, and conduct research and development of quantum devices. Quemix is involved in cutting-edge technologies related to quantum computing and materials simulation, and offers the Quloud series of materials computing platforms.


<Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd.>

MWCC is striving to advance and streamline product manufacturing and chemical reaction processes using our proprietary microwave chemistry technology platform, develop new materials that are difficult to produce by conventional technologies, and contribute to "electrification", which is essential for decarbonization. In partnership with domestic and overseas chemical manufacturing companies, MWCC provides one-stop solutions ranging from research and development of laboratory, bench, and pilot plants to engineering for design, installation, and commissioning of actual plants.



For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact

TerraSky (media requests for interviews, etc.)

TerraSky Public Relations

Quemix (introduction of research, requests for PoC, etc.)


MWCC Public Relations


<Supplemental Material>

Image of R&D with Quloud-Mag

■Microwave Usage Implications

By adding energy directly to the target material, the process realizes an "energy-saving," "highly efficient," and "compact" manufacturing process. By multiplying the electrification with renewable energy and the microwave process, CO2 emissions can be reduced by 90% compared to the conventional method.

*This data is based on the production of fatty acid esters at our demonstration plant.



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