Quloud-RSDFT Seminar
We will hold a workshop on RSDFT (using our product Quloud) a large-scale first-principles computation software, jointly with with RIST (Research Organization for Information Science and Technology).
RSDFT is a first-principles electronic structure calculation software that has been developed as a key application in the materials science field in the K computer and Fugaku projects. Unlike first-principles software implemented with plane-wave basis functions, RSDFT does not require a fast Fourier transform, making it highly compatible with massively parallel computers.
In 2011, the K computer received the ACM Gordon-Bell Award for the highest performance for first-principles electronic structure calculations of Si nanowire transistors on a scale of tens to hundreds of thousands of atoms.
Although there are many software products that have been created because of academic research, there are also challenges that are too large to be borne solely by the researchers who developed the software, such as continuing their maintenance, improving their usability, and promoting their use.
Under such circumstances, RSDFT is about to make a new start as a cloud service in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service).
In this workshop, we will provide an opportunity to experience the future of supercomputers and cloud services by performing basic and applied calculations of first-principles materials simulations using RSDFT, which has become a cloud service.
We look forward to your participation from educational institutions (affiliated hospitals and research institutes), national and independent administrative agencies, and R&D departments of general companies.
Date: May 31 (Wed.) 13:00-18:00
Place: Please join us at one of the followings
1)Real: at Taiyo Seimei Nihonbashi Building 16F Seminar Room, 2-11-2 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Capacity: About 10 people
Fee: Free of charge
Attention : For the hands-on seminar, please prepare your own PC with an internet connection.
Program: Lecture → Hands-on seminar ① to ⑤ as below:
①13:00-13:30 "Fugaku" - Materials Simulation in HPCI (by Dr. Kanako Yoshizawa, RIST)
②13:35-14:20 Success of Real Space Density Functional Theory Calculations (RSDFT Application) and Future Prospects (by Dr. Jun Oshiyama, Nagoya University)
③14:25-14:45 Explanation of Quloud-RSDFT usage (by Dr. Iwata, Quemix)
④15:00-17:30 Hands-on Seminar (by Quemix Iwata)
Hands-on Seminar Contents:
1.Structural data loading and modeling (30 minutes)
2.Basic calculations (30 minutes)
3.Visualization of results (20 minutes)
4.Applied task (40 minutes)
5.Demonstration of new functions (30 minutes)
⑤17:30-17:40 Introduction of Quloud and closing remarks (by Quemix Matsushita)
Co-sponsor:RIST(Research organization for Information Science and Technology)
【Speaker Profile】
吉澤 香奈子 氏
高度情報科学技術研究機構(RIST) 主査
上智大学にて博士(理学)を取得後、上智大学理工学部特任助教や、東京大学物性研究所特任研究員などを経て、スーパーコンピュータ「京」・「富岳」の登録施設利用促進機関 / 文科省委託事業「HPCIの運営」代表機関である一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構(RIST)に2015年より着任。専門は、物性理論。現在、「富岳」の利用支援業務を行なっている。
押山 淳 先生
名古屋大学 未来材料・システム研究所 特任教授
1981年東京大学理学博士。その後、東大理学部物理学科、IBM Watson Research Center (NY)、NEC Central Lab(Kawasaki, Tsukuba)、筑波大学 、東京大学、名古屋大学等で計算物理科学、半導体科学、理論物質科学の研究に従事。東京大学名誉教授、筑波大学名誉教授。
岩田 潤一
Quemix 製品開発
筑波大学にて博士(理学)を取得後、産業技術総合研究所 研究員、筑波大学 助教、東京大学 特任講師、計算科学技術系企業 センター長を経て、2021年よりQuemix入社。2011年、ゴードンベル-ピークパフォーマンス賞受賞。製品開発を担当。
松下 雄一郎
Quemix 代表取締役CEO
東京大学にて博士(工学)を取得後、マックス=プランク研究所(ドイツ) 研究員、東京大学 助教、東京工業大学 特任講師を経て、現在 東京工業大学 物質情報卓越教育院 特任准教授。